How To Hook Up A Dvr Player
how to hook up a dvr player

Connect your DVD/VCR using the. Connect the wires so the cable signal passes from the main source to the converter box, then to your television. Make sure your Xfinity TV and DVD or VCR player are both tuned to channel 2, 3, or 4 (depending on your converter). Connect your Xfinity TV and DVD or VCR so you can record the channel being watched.

how to hook up a dvr player

This device will allow you to view the DVD Recorder on channel 3 or channel 4.These cameras are quite expensive and require some extra steps when hooking up to the camera. In a way, PTZ cameras can behave like smart devices.When connecting the DVD player to a television, you will need to use the. For example, you can create presets and the camera will follow them on a tour mode or have the camera track any subject that is acting suspiciously.

how to hook up a dvr player

If you use blue and green for the red wire (485 A/+), it should be blue and green, also when you connect to the positive terminal of RS485 on your DVR. Start by connecting the Red wire (485A/+) to the positive terminal and Black wire (485 B/-) to the negative terminal.Note: By using a UTP cable you can extend the length of your cabling, always check the polarity of your connection to ensure that is correct. Connect the RS485 of your PTZ camera into the DVR. On the other side connect the power connector into your power adapter/power box and video cable to the video BNC of the DVR (for example on the first channel).Step 2.

Hook Up A Dvr Player Manual And See

We suggest checking the manual and see how the Older models have a DIP switch where you set the protocol and baud rates, for the newer ones you have to do that via the on-screen menu.Either way, make sure to read the manual for the camera and the DVR to see what protocol, address, baud rate, etc you should use for your PTZ camera. This part depends on the PTZ model and manufacturer. Match the DIP switch of the PTZ camera. Technically you can use any color combination.Step 3.

You can pan, tilt, zoom in or out, focus, set the PTZ on tour mode, etc. Remember this basic rule: The baud rate and protocol of your PTZ camera and DVR should be the same to ensure it works correctly and that the communication is established.Pretty much that’s all, you should be able to control the PTZ via the DVR using the on-screen controller. Turn on your DVR, navigate the PTZ section to set the baud rate and protocol of the DVR. Configure baud rate and protocol in the DVR. An example of the DIP switch.Step 4.

Most of them use 12V DC, but check the specs to double-check it. Run the cable and connect the video out of the PTZ to the video input at the back of the DVR (in any channel that you choose) using a high-quality coaxial cable.Then power up the camera, make sure you are using the correct power adapter. It’s pretty straightforward and logical, consider the PTZ camera as a regular camera. If you got a CVI, TVI, or AHD DVR, it will most likely support the PTZ coaxial function, or check with the manual to make sure the feature is supported.The connection scheme is shown below (as an example). There’s no need to use the RS485 connection, all you need to do is to connect the PTZ to a regular video port at the back of the DVR.It will work as long as the DVR supports the PTZ Coaxial Control function which most of the DVRs support anyway.

If it doesn’t react, re-do the steps again and make sure you’re not missing something. It will show an on-screen window with up-down and left-right arrows, zoom in and zoom out, click them, and normally the PTZ camera should move following your input. As we said, the camera’s information should match these settings.Once done, go full screen to the channel displaying the PTZ camera, right-click and select the controllers. Either way, locate on the menu and enable.In the same section, you should be able to adjust the other settings to establish the connection, settings such as the Baud Rate, Pair, Control Protocol, etc. This feature depends on the manufacturer, and sometimes it’s already enabled.

Some reliable PTZ cameras can be found on Amazon. Although the logic is the same as discussed here, the details may vary between manufacturers.Lastly, always go for a reputable PTZ camera, made from a well-known manufacturer that supports its products with firmware and technical bulletins. If you’re stuck, check the manual of the camera for more instructions. Treat the new PTZ cameras as a regular camera (just video and power connection), while the older models need to use the RS485 connection as well.It’s important for the PTZ and the DVR to have matched information such as the protocol, baud rate, address, type, etc, these settings can be found on the PTZ section of the DVR settings.

how to hook up a dvr player